Потери при прокаливании (LOI)

Ассортимент приборов


Термогравиметрический анализатор для определения влаги, выхода летучих веществ, зольности, потерь массы при прокаливании

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Новости или истории

1 апреля 2022 Thermogravimetric: Automated

The TGA801 is a robust, automated thermogravimetric analyzer for your loss-on-drying and -ignition needs. Learn more in the TGA801 product video.

5 июля 2021 The TGA: Macro And Micro

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) first started in the early 20th century, and while the technology has advanced, the basic principles remain the same. With TGA, the rate of change of reactions in the chemical and physical properties of materials as functions of temperature or time is what is used to assess the properties of the sample materials. […]

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