Химическая ионизация Заметки по применению

Отображение  9  из 9 Химическая ионизация Заметки по применению
Заголовок и описание
Analysis of Heavy Fuel Oil using Multi-Mode Ionization

Heavy Fuel Oil Multi-Mode Source MMS GCxGC-HRT4D

Multi-Mode Source MMS

The Multi-Mode Ion Source provides a single solution for Electron Ionization, Positive Chemical Ionization, and Electron Capture Negative Ionization.

Spice Wars — Are You Battle Ready? Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids Using an HR-CI Source Operated in EI and CI Modes

Disinfection Byproducts Water

Characterization of Green Leaf Tobacco Extracts Using GC-HRT

Enhanced Metabolite Profiling: Hard and Soft Ionization High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Comprehensive Analysis of Drug Residues from a Confiscated Pipe: GC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with Chemical Ionization to Facilitate Unknown Identification

Jet Fuel Analysis by HRTOFMS: EI, CI, and Accurate Mass

Identifying Polymer Extract Components wth EI and CI GC-HRTOFMS