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Заголовок и описание
What’s in the Water? Uncovering Unknown Disinfection By-Products using GCxGC and HRMS

Professor Susan Richardson from the University of South Carolina will delve into her groundbreaking research on a newly discovered class of disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Using advanced techniques such as gas chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry, Professor Richardson sheds light on the implications for water safety and public health. Discover the benefits of mass spectrometry for environmental analysis and gain insight into the future of drinking water quality assessment.

Part of the 2024 Non-Target Screen Webinar Series

Application of Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection for Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Foodstuffs

The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority has been using GCxGC-TOFMS for the analysis of pesticide residues in food of plant origin since 2005. Radim Stepan will talk about the advances in the instruments and the analyses they have used for pesticide residue analysis in cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague.

Food Safety: A Journey Beyond the MOSH&MOAH Hump in Food Determination

The current analytical method for the quantitative determination of Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons (MOSH) and Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons (MOAH) is LC-GC-FID, but the chromaticagraphic profile obtained is too often just a hump of unresolved substances. However, GCxGC-TOFMS/FID is the most promising solution to characterize MOSH and MOAH in detail and to detect markers that can help identify and act on the source of contamination. Giorgia Purcaro [University of Liege] will introduce the challenges of MOSH/MOAH analysis and talk about what adding a GCxGC-TOFMS analysis to your process can do for your results.

Optimization of Combustion Methods for the Determination of Low-Level Nitrogen/Protein in Food

Combustion techniques for determining nitrogen/protein in foods is gaining popularity due to shorter analysis times, ease of operation, and improved safety characteristics, but it is limited by the amount of sample an instrument is capable of analyzing at one time. Low-level nitrogen samples present a challenge to analyze due to sample characteristics and method limitations. Lloyd Allen, from LECO, will be discussing how to optimize methods for low-level nitrogen determination with combustion instruments.

Automated Thermogravimetric Moisture Determination of Meat and Semi-Solid Food Products

One of the most common moisture determination methods is a manual mass loss on drying using an air oven following the AOAC Moisture in Meat Method (950.46). Lloyd Allen will talk about how an automated thermogravimetric moisture instrument, such as the TGM800, meets the AOAC Official Method's requirements for sample mass, oven temperature, and air flow requirements while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving precision and workflow efficiency.

Automated Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture and Ash in Flour

The AOAC Official Method (925.10) Solids (Total) and Moisture in Flour utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique that is widely used in the food industry. AOAC Official Method (923.03) Ash in Flour also utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique. Learn from Jeffery Gast how an automated thermogravimetric moisture determination instrument like the TGA801 can follow both of the AOAC Official Methods' requirements for oven temperature and airflow while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving workflow efficiency.

Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis related to Packaging Issues

Ray Marsili [Marsili Consulting Group] explores how food packaging can impact flavors of products through leaching and other contamination means.

Resolving Flavor and Odor Problems using ChromaTOF

Ray Marsili [Marsili Consulting Group] discusses the use of chromatograms to determine flavor and fragrance anomalies within various samples.