Литература и документы

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Hardness Testing: LCB3100 (Brinell Load Cell)

LECOMAT Pressure Vessel


Article Compilation: Petroleum Research Articles

This curated compilation of articles and papers illustrates how Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry is advancing petroleum research. Laboratories around the world use the Pegasus series of mass spectrometers to help their data soar.

Article Compilation: Metabolomics Research Articles

This curated compilation of articles and papers illustrates how Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry is advancing metabolomics research. Laboratories around the world use the Pegasus series of mass spectrometers to help their data soar.

LECO Corporate Product Overview

Overview of LECO scientific analysis instrument offerings

836 Series Brochure

Explore the 836 Series of Inert Gas Fusion elemental analyzers, to determine oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in inorganic samples. Models include: ONH836 (Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen); ON836 (Oxygen, Nitrogen); OH836 (Oxygen, Hydrogen); NH836 (Nitrogen, Hydrogen); O836 (Oxygen); N836(Nitrogen); and H836 (Hydrogen).

Precision Balances

Energy and Fuels Application Compendium

An overview of LECO Mass Spectrometry instruments for Energy and Fuel analysis with application note access.

Mass Accuracy with Chemical Ionization

Pegasus Back-up Power Source

Tube Furnaces TF4/TF2

Olympus SZ Series Stereomicroscopes

Olympus SZX Research Stereomicroscopes

Olympus GX53 Inverted Metallurgical Microscope

Olympus BX53M Upright Microscope

Crucibles and Accelerators for Inorganic Carbon, Sulfur, and Moisture Determination

Sample Containers and Crucibles for Organic

CS844 Reference Card

Consumables and Spare Parts Reference Card for LECO CS844

GDS850 Reference Card

Consumables and Spare Parts Reference Card for LECO GDS50