Dr. Marta Di Carlo

Università Politecnica delle Marche

We started using the LECO PEGASUS® BT GC-TOF mainly for target analysis of aliphatic hydrocarbons on environmental matrices; over time we had the need to develop a method for the qualitative characterization of hop leaves samples for a research project, the ChromaTOF® deconvolution software allowed the identification of several compounds, in particular different terpenes. The Pegasus BT GC-TOF thus proved to be an excellent system, easy to use, with high sensitivity and reproducibility, able to perform both non target and target analysis.

Референтные инструменты
Pegasus BT

Времяпролетный масс-спектрометр газовой хроматографии


Аналитическое программное обеспечение для газовой хроматографии