Решения LECO для Энергия и топливо
Designed for Энергия и топливо

Серия 828
Определение содержания углерода, водорода, азота и белка в макрообразцах методом сжигания
Explore Серия 828

Полуавтоматический изопериболический калориметр для определения высшей теплоты сгорания
Explore AC600

Термогравиметрический анализатор для определения влаги, выхода летучих веществ, зольности, потерь массы при прокаливании
Explore TGA801

Указания по применению
Узнайте больше с нашими последними заметками по применению Энергия и топливо.
Quantitation of Olefin Content in Plastic-Derived Pyrolysis Oils — QuadJet SD
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID) has proven to be one of the most effective analytical methods for analyzing complex mixtures, allowing for the detailed separation and identification of the hydrocarbons present while providing efficient, high-resolution chromatographic separations.
Satisfying ASTM D8396 Requirements Paradigm GCxGC-FID
This application note describes how to use a simple workflow with the LECO Paradigm system to fulfill the requirements of the ASTM D8396 test method to quantitatively determine mass % of total n-paraffins, iso-paraffins, naphthenes, 1-ring aromatics, and 2-ring aromatics using reverse-fill flush flow modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID). Understanding of bulk composition is crucial for fast-track certification of synthetic aviation fuels as outlined in ASTM D4054, and the more accurate group-type analysis results provided by GCxGC assist with streamlining the acceptance process.
Determination of Ash in Polystyrene
Determination of Ash in Polystyrene
- Determination of Ash in Polyethylene
- Determination of Ash in Polypropylene
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